Thanks to everybody that responded. We had more than 150, which tell us that we have an active and engaged community! We are so glad you are happy to chip in and shape the games future. Here is what you had to say:
Imperial Japan is next.
You voted to stop us researching the French Navy and begin researching the Imperial Japanese Navy. This was quite a surprise for us as but this we promise: When we add a new nation to BEoS it will be Japan.
You want non-combatant ships!
The most popular topic was adding cargo, colliers and minesweepers to the game. These ships are not likely to be around when the high seas fleet and the Royal Navy meet to brawl but who are we to question? You got it! We will build these ships.
You want a campaign!
This was great to see as linking games together with others in a really big group is tonnes of fun. We have just the thing to make a campaign work for two players to two hundred.
Remastered core fleets and thicker Fleet Books.
You want to see the original core fleets brought up to speed with all the details that make Broadside such a grand spectacle on table. You want to see those anchor chains and searchlights! You also want to get into the details with the two biggest fleets. You voted for a year by year style fleet book for the KM and RN.
We still want to hear from you on these subjects. Drop us a chat in FB or send us an email if you want to expand on anything from the questionnaire.
Thanks again to everyone for helping us create a better game!