CANCON 24 player pack

The biggest show of the year starts 26/1/24 in Canberra ACT. If you haven’t been to a Cancon you just need to go see it once to want to be a part of it every year! Just 3.5 hours drive from Sydney or 5 minutes drive from the ACT airport. Three huge show rooms full of tabletop gaming and retail plus three halls of secondhand gear, roleplaying, cards, boardgames and specialty retailers you can’t see any where else in one place.

We will be in the second hall by the coffee canteen. Come say hi and meet the crew!

Cancon prize support

Going to be the biggest attendance at Cancon for Broadside this year! So we had better put up some great prizes!

First place will be a 800 point US Navy fleet.

Best painted will be a Mackensen battlecruiser.

Lucky door prizes will be submarines and Zeppelins.

Of course we will give away Pez prizes for terrifically bad dice rolls!

In the meantime check out this brush work and water effect from Broadsider Stuart:

AK water gel effects (Diorama ) AK8007 looks amazing!