MOAB fun!

A very successful Broadside campaign is over! We had a lot of fun, met a lot of Broadsiders, shook at lot of hands and had a lot of very fun conversations.

Congratulations goes to Mitch for winning MOAB24!

It was great to meet so many players and share a yarn or two. Many new fleets & launch packs went home with newly piped captains! Three cheers for all our new Broadsiders!

Cancon will be even bigger and better with a bigger shop and three days of Dreadnought combat!

1 thought on “MOAB fun!

  1. Thanks for another enjoyable day gaming. I faced two RN fleets of completely different character, which shows what variety can be achieved in the fleet builder. Great bunch of players, friendly and supportive as ever, sometimes I forgot I was playing a tournament. Brought home a new toy, the flash new measuring stick, very nice!

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