Spray can effects for your turning tool

If its a more natural look you like for your dazzle camo try the easy way!

This photo looks weird but it is just an A4 piece of paper with a 1cm wide line cut in it. Get out your collection of spray cans and go for it.

Lay the piece of paper over the tool exposing just one part at a time. Spray then rotate the tool a little and spray again. Change cans and repeat until dazzled!

Once the paint is dry come back and slop on black wash around the corners, numbers and letters.

Once the wash is dry paint white over the numbers, letters and corner markings. Seal the paint on with Testors Dull Coat.

MOAB 24′ Prize support pool

A big one day Broadside tournament is on this year at ‘Mother of all battles 2024’. Here is a sneak peak of whats on offer for the players.

The new range ruler, painted ships, painted turning tools, a fleet box and of course the Hood trophy for the winner.

You think this is good? Cancon 25′ will have two tournaments over three days and a whole lot more booty!

MOAB is 5/10 – 7/10 at Silvana Heights community club.

Cancon 25′ is on from the 25th to 27th January 2025 at the ‘EPIC Exhibition Park’ on Flemington rd, Canberra ACT.

MOAB 24′

We are at MOAB again this year with a store and a one day tournament. This time we will have trophies with HMS Hood on them! Our kickstarter was made a complete success again thanks to our Broadsiders all over the world! So we will have new gear from that on sale as well.

If you would like to run a tournament in your local area we would like to help. Please reach out on facebook or through email.

This was us last year!

MOAB will run 5-7/10/24. We will do the one day tournament on the Monday the 7th.

Kick Starter preview page is up!

Hit the ‘Notify me on launch’ button to get an alert when we go live.

Don’t forget the early backer special!

For a limited time after the KS goes live you will receive the Admiral Class Battlecruiser  HMS Hood free of charge. Please don’t miss out!

Admiral Class Battlecruiser

Last spoilers before the day!

Der Tag will have ships to fill essential fleet gaps but we are also including some spicy list options as well. Below you will find our first Kickstarter surprise: SMS Salamis.

Yes she is a real ship. There are plenty of Great War examples of ships under construction entering service under the flag of the builders nation rather than being delivered. Salamis would have gone to sea if her guns had arrived in Hamburg ahead of the war.

Why are we adding her? Just look at those guns! No German ship has that caliber and hitting power under 260 points. Check out the speed! She could have even joined the battlecruiser raids instead of Blücher. She has the armour of a KM battlecruiser after all. Paired with a Derfflinger you could have hitting power and speed. In a battle squadron with a Konig you could have hitting power and armour.

Look for more surprises in Der Tag when it launches very soon!

A very big reason to back Der Tag early

Andrew has always said he would make it and I guess today is Der Tag.

That’s right, the first 100 backers will receive HMS Hood free when they back Der Tag at the end of the month.

Der Tag is our last digital Kickstarter. It will contain ships from all of our nations that add exciting new options for your fleet. Der Tag will be your last chance to get your hands on Broadsides STL and PDFs. All our past KS will be on offer so if you know a mate who has missed one or wants to get the whole game now is the time to lock in 30/4/24.